Ready to make $10K/Month without ads or funnels using my proven formula?

In 6 Figure Coaching, I help you do just that.

I launched my coaching program and made $10,000 cash my very first month.

I made my first $100,000 cash in 9 months.

I didn't use a single paid ad or a funnel, just the the basic system I teach in my program.

Since then, I've hit record after record, with my latest being my first $46,000 day - cash collected.

It consisted of a lot of trial and error, overcoming discomfort and doubt, and creating a whole lot of belief and taking massive action.

Since then, I've created a multiple 6-figure business organically (not using paid ads) from scratch while taking several months off from selling and working only a few hours a month doing what I love - coaching my clients.

I'm on the path to scaling to millions now working a few hours a month and I've never been more excited to help you do the same.

Before we do that though, we have to help you make your first 10K in 30 days without any ads or funnels, the hardest part, then 100K using my proven formula.

Making your next 10K can be challenging because there are so many complicated ways being taught out there that can make you feel stuck, but in 6 Figure Coaching we make sure you are creating and growing your business in a way that is sustainable and helps you create a life you love, which is exactly what I've done.

I live my dream life - the laptop lifestyle.

I make an enormous amount of money, on my own schedule, from anywhere in the world, helping people doing what I love.

I once thought it would take countless years for me to create a profitable coaching business that would give me not only financial freedom, but location and time freedom, along with the highest sense of contribution for the people I want to serve.

But, I was wrong.

It doesn't have to take decades, years, complicated funnels or even tech. With the right system and coaching in place, fast results are possible.

That's why I'm honored to pull back the curtain on my secret formula and give you an easy to follow step-by-step system that will shorten the time it will take you to make your next 10K as a coach while creating a life you love.

If you can make 10K in 30 days, you can make 100K. All you need are the simple steps to create this result backed by the expert mentorship of a coach who has a proven track record.

In 6 Figure Coaching you get full 90 day access to our 6 Figure Course, Monthly Coaching Calls, Private Facebook Community and New Bonus Course Content!

When you sign up below you immediately get full access to the entire program and the opportunity to be coached by me for just $10,000...$2,997 (That's $120,000 in value for just $2,997)!

Make $10K/Month without ads or funnels using my proven formula.
It's really that simple.

In 6 Figure Coaching
 you get immediate
and 90 Day access to:

-The 6-Figure Coaching Course with on-demand step-by-step videos & downloadable scripts to help you start getting clients today and make $10K/month. In this program I provide you with my cutting-edge thought framework and effective organic marketing and sales strategies. This is all you will ever need to make $10K/month. This platform also includes over 100+ hours of private live coaching calls that I've never shared anywhere else and will literally help you make your next million dollars as a coach!

-Monthly Group Coaching Calls where you have the chance to be coached 1on1 by me or one of my Certified 6 Figure Coaches. You get pulled on Zoom one at a time to get individualized attention on these coaching calls for your specific needs and questions. Even if you choose not to get coached, learn everything you need to know by watching someone else get coached as often times it's easier to see your own problem in other people than it is to see in yourself. These calls are powerful and will give you the breakthrough you need to get results!

-Private Facebook Group that consists of our paid 6 Figure Community Members that support one another and help each other grow. This is the exclusive community you want to be in to network, get support and to celebrate your wins! Entrepreneurship can be lonely so make it healthy by having a team of people on your side as you grow into a 6 figure coach!

-Bonus Course Content that is provided to you in the form of a new lesson or video with the latest marketing, sales and mindset strategies I'm using to scale my own business to millions. This bonus course content will be added periodically and you get full access to all of it as a program member!

Our Client Results Speak For Themselves: 

This is the same program Scott Landis joined after not making any high-ticket sales for months, and after joining our program he made his first high ticket sale in 2 weeks! :

This is also the same program Ash Shastry joined and made his first high-ticket sale in 2 weeks and then his first $10K in 30 days!

Learn exactly, and ONLY, what you need to know in order to make $10K/Month.

The following 6 modules teach you the foundational principles you need to create a successful coaching business that generates you $10K/Month:

Module 1: Becoming a 6-7 Figure Coach
Learn the exact mindset and energy I created in order to reinvent myself and become the coach who earns multiple 6 figures organically. Clients say this is the most life-changing portion of the program and will help you unlock the clients and money that are waiting for you!

Module 2: Offer and Pricing
Get immediate help to create your irresistible offer and messaging that makes your clients want to throw money at you. Create a pricing structure and business model that makes sense for you based on exactly where you are today. The goal is to help you make as much as money as possible, as fast as possible, working the least amount of hours and creating the biggest impact. Not sure if your offer is good enough? Don't even have an offer yet? We got you! We will help you not only sell, but create your irresistible offer!

Module 3: Organic Marketing
Get the best and fastest ways to become a master at organic marketing without needing to cold message anyone ever again. Download examples of posts, templates and scripts to help you produce organic content that will have clients excited to pay you. I call this attraction marketing and it has not only helped me grow my coaching business, but has helped my clients succeed beyond their wildest imaginations. You'll never feel stuck again and will market your business from a place that feels good and makes you a lot of consistent money!

Module 4: Messenger Strategy
Messenger has been and has now become the fastest and easiest way to make a lot of money as a coach. Whether you're selling 1on1 coaching, group or a course, get the best messenger strategy in the industry, all my secret scripts and a ton of real-time examples of messenger conversations that will help you make money today and have your clients thanking you!

Module 5: Selling Coaching
Sales is something that doesn't come easy to many coaches, but in this program you'll actually enjoy selling and feel a sudden peace of mind once you enroll as you'll get full access to my exclusive Sales Call Training and Script that my clients value alone at $10,000. You'll also get several examples of how to sell coaching whether it's low-ticket, high-ticket, 1on1, group or a course so that you never feel stuck about selling your coaching again!

Module 6: Delivering Coaching
Often times you may feel confused on how to structure your program. In this module we teach you everything you need to deliver the highest results to your clients in the most simple way possible using the least amount of technology. Never feel anxious or doubtful about enrolling a client because you'll know exactly what to do with them right after you enroll them. Simplicity is key when delivering coaching and we'll show you exactly what to do!

This program helps you make 10K in 30 Days. Period.

But, still don't believe me? Check out my and more of my amazing client results: 

I made my First $100K in less than 8.5 months and will help you do the same even faster!

Yahya went from $0 to $10,000/Month as a Stress & Anxiety Coach after joining 6 Figure Coaching and has made well over $100K+ cash collected!

Jordan got her first high ticket client after joining our program! 

John got multiple high ticket clients his 1st month with us and had his first $10K/Month!  

Linda signed on a high ticket client and is thriving in her coaching business!

Joel joined our program at $0 and has not only made $10K/Month with us a Mindset Coach, but has scaled to $30K/Month now!

Irina made $15,000 her 1st month as a Health and Weight Loss Coach!

Shashi has made $10,000/Month with her Health and Fitness coaching business and is scaling to $50K/Month now!

My first $36,000/month when I switched to selling high-ticket and I'll help you do the same!

Cameron made his first $10K/Month and then $75,000 cash collected and is now growing to $100K!

Rasmus made $10K within the first month after joining 6 Figure Coaching! 

Pam has signed 3 high-ticket clients in less than 3 weeks
as a Mental Health Coach! 

Anna made $10,000/Month by creating and selling her new high-ticket offer with us!

Hussein made $1K the first day of joining 6 Figure Coaching and has grown to $10K/Month! 

Marcela launched making $10,000 and her health coaching business is taking off to the moon!  

Ali started without niche and got his first coaching client within a month as a Trade Stock Coach and is absolutely loving it! 

Veronica finally got the clarity she needed to move forward and launch her coaching business! 

Mike finally got the clarity
he needed to create his
irresistible offer and is serving
his fellow Veterans now!

Joseph launched his coaching business after joining my program and is now helping Spiritual
Men achieve their goals!

Steve joined and is now able to help divorced men build the confidence to get back in the dating game! 


How long will it take for me to make $10K?

1 month or less. The program is designed to help you make $10K or more in 30 days. Some members have been able to make $10K within a week of joining! Due to wanting you to go at your own pace, we give you an additional 60 days to implement the process so you are guaranteed to make $10K in the 90 days, and then continue to make consistent $10K+ income every month.

What happens after the 90 days?

Many students like to stay in our container after they've made their first $10K so we can help them scale to $100K. Once the 90 days are over, you can continue to stay in our program and get access to all 4 components:
-6 Figure Coaching Course
-Monthly Coaching Calls
-Private Facebook Community
-Bonus Content and Bonus Lives

all for just $97/month! You can cancel the membership anytime or stay on for the life of the program to get the latest and best strategies from me and the most up to date coaching. This continued level of teaching and coaching is what has helped our clients scale to $20K/Month, $30K/Month, $40K/month and beyond, without using a single paid ad or complicated funnel!

Join me in 6 Figure Coaching today and let's help you make your first $10K/Month, without ads or funnels using my proven formula!

Click below to get immediate access.

©2022 Dr. Wasi

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